Rechts: Joachim Hirling, 2015, Detail von Acryl auf Leinwand, 70x50 cm - "Variation in A"; Links: Velin Dinev

Inventation to our exhibition in Sofia - 2015, 3rd - 23rd February Opening: 6:30 h pm, 2015, 3rd February
The Red Point Gallery, ulitsa Dyakon Ignatiy 19, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Joachim Hirling & Velin Dinev
„Raum für Klangfarbtöne“

Zur gemeinsamen Ausstellung "Svukoprosstransstvo / Raum für Klangfarbtöne" von Velin Dinev mit mir in der Galerie (Galerie "Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point Gallery) in Sofia / Bulgarien laden wir Euch alle herzlich ein.

Eröffnung: Di. 3. Februar ab 18:30 Uhr Di. 3. - Mo. 23. Februar 2015, Sofia, Diakon Ignatij Straße 19

Während der Ausstellung wird es mehre Veranstaltungen geben, u.a. ein Konzert von Maria Hirling (Gesang) mit Martin Bachvarov (Klavier) bei der Vernissage, sowie am Do. 19. Februar 2015 von Maria Hirling (Gesang) & Valentin Georgiev (Gesang) mit Martin Bachvarov (Klavier), desweiteren eine Jamsession von Joachim Hirling (Gitarre) & Deniel Mirchev (Drums) am Mo. 16. Februar 2015


Text zur Ausstellung

Joachim Hirling und Velin Dinev sind zwei Künstler mit ausgeprägter Individualität, mit unterschiedlicher künstlerischen Handschrift und Entwicklung.

Die gleichzeitige Präsentation im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Raum für Klangfarbtöne“ stellt die dynamische Begegnung des Tons, der Farbe und des Raums im Umfeld des visuellen Erlebnis dar.

Abstrakte Strukturen, Sättigung und Farbstärke (Velin Dinev), überlegte und wirkungsvolle plastische Expressionen (Joachim Hirling) kommunizieren miteinander und kreieren eine besondere Sensibilität und Vieldeutigkeit an Assoziationen und diametralen Emotionen. Der Tonraum in ihren Bildern drückt sich in einer philosophischen Wahrnehmung aus und eröffnet andere Dimensionen, wo sich die Kunst in ein inneres Erlebnis umwandelt.

Diana Draganova-Stier


Auch in dieser Ausstellung sind von Joachim Hirling Arbeiten zur Synästhesie von Klang und Bild zu sehen. Es sind neue Arbeiten die während meines Aufenthaltes hier in Sofia entstanden sind. Daneben zeigt er auch ältere Arbeiten die einen interessanten Bezug zu den aktuellen herstellen.

Die neuen Arbeiten von Joachim Hirling sind im wesentlichen Acrylbilder im Format 70 x 50 cm. Jedes Bild behandelt einen der 12 musikalischen Halbtonschritte der westlichen Musikeinteilung einer Oktave, alle zusammen ergeben einem spektralen Farbverlauf. Jeder Halbton variert in mehrern seiner Oktavschritte.

Die weiteren Arbeiten von Joachim Hirling entstanden in der Auseinandersetzung mit der chinesischen Kalligraphie und ihrer inneliegenden Qualität zur Improvisation, die somit auch ein musikalische klangfarbliche Note zeigen.

Velin Dinev ist ein vielfältiger Autor, der sich seit mehr als 40 Jahren mit Batik, Malerei und zahlreichen anderen Formen beschäftigt. Geboren im 1938 in der malerischen Stadt Nova Zagora, absolvierte Velin Dinev in den 70ern Jahren die Staatliche Kunstakademie in Sofia im Fach "Textil" bei Prof. Marin Varbanov.

Im Laufe der 80er Jahren konzentrierte er sich vorwiegend auf die Batik-Technik und präsentierte seine Werke in zahlreichen Einzelausstellungen in Sliven, Gabrovo und Sofia. Zu dieser Zeit nahm er an der Kunstbiennale in Erfurt teil. Im Laufe der folgenden Jahren nahm er an zahlreichen Ausstellungen in der Slovakei, Bukarest, Berlin, Budapest, Paris und London teil.

Im letzten Jahrzehnt inspirierte ihn die Acryl-Technik. Diese setze er in mehreren Einzelausstellungen in seinem Wohnort Sliven um. Er ist Mitglied im "Verband bulgarischer bildender Künstler" und unterrichtet zugleich am Kunstgymnasium "Dimitar Dobrovich" in Sliven. Seine Werke sind Bestandteil vieler Sammlungen in Deutschland, Frankreich, USA, England, Österreich, Russland und China.

Weitere Informationen zu Velin Dinev finden sie auch auf seiner Facebookseite Velin Dinev

Die gezeigten Arbeiten der beiden Künstler wurden von der Galerie "Der Rote Punkt" und der Kuratorin Diana Draganova-Stier / National Art Gallery Sofia ausgewählt und ergeben einen wunderbaren Dialog. Für die Übersetzungen aus der bulgarischen Sparach danken wir Maria Hirling



Aktuelle Ausstellung:

in Sofia / Bulgarien

Joachim Hirling & Velin Dinev
"Raum für Klangfarbtöne"

Galerie "Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point Gallery

Zu unserer aktuellen Ausstellung möchten wir Sie
herzlich begrüßen und freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

Joachim Hirling & Velin Dinev

Di. 03. - Mo. 23. Februar 2015

Di. 03. Februar 2015 ab 18.30 Uhr
Die Künstler werden anwesend sein.

täglich: 10 -19 Uhr

Galerie "Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point Gallery) in
1000 Sofia
Diakon Ignatij Straße 19

Telefon: 00359-88 867 9667

FB Event The Red Point Gallery, Sofia

FB Gallery The Red Point, Sofia Bulgaria

2015 - 19th February, Sofia - The Red Point Gallery - 7 h pm Concert with Maria Hirling ( E Art H Ling ) & Valentin Georgiev - Vocal - Martin Bachvarov - Piano Am Donnerstag, den 19. Februar 2015 - 19 Uhr - gibt es in der Galerie Der Rote Punkt in Sofia in der Ausstellung von Joachim Hirling & Velin Dinev ein Konzert mit Maria Hirling & Valentin Georgiev (Gesang) sowie Martin Bachvarov (Klavier)

Interview on Demand bei Radio Bulgaria Horizont

Hier der Link zur Web-Seite von Radio Bulgarien mit der
Möglichkeit das Live Interview vom 2. Februar 2015 "
on demand" nachzuhören! Es ist bulgarisch und deutsch,
die Übersetzung ist von Maria HIrling

Here is the link to Radio Bulgaria with the button
to listen the interview from yesterday with me on demand,
The Live interview was in bulgarien and german language,
translated by Maria Hirling


TV Interview on Demand bei
Bulgaria National Television Chanal 1

2015 - TV Interview im
Bulgarischem Nationalen Fernsehkanal 1
- Auschnitt aus Kulturmagazin zur Ausstellung in Sofia
in der Galerie "Der Rote Punkt"
Daniel Mirchev spricht zur Arbeit von Velin Dinev
der mit mir zusammen ausstellt
- in Bulgarischer Sprache, ca. 3 Minuten

Here is the link to the TV Interview on Demand at
Bulgarian National Television Chanel 1


See also my Facebook Site:

Joachim Hirling

with more photos

Photos taken from "The Red Point" Gallery Sofia / Bulgaria
and from Joachim Hirling, also from Krasimir Kostadinov
and Huben Hubcheef




Wird mein Name in Kyrillisch in eine Suchmaschine gegeben, sind noch weitere Presseartikel in bulgarisch zu finden!

If You surch my name in cyrillic letters, You can find more press articles in bulgarien language!




2015 3rd February - Sofia - Opening at "The Red Point Gallery" - left to right: Visitors,
Joachim Hirling, Velin Dinev, Diana Draganova-Stier, Daniel Mirchev, Nina Mircheva, Maria Hirling, Martin Bachvarov


2015 3rd February - Sofia - Opening at "The Red Point Gallery" - Thanks to all the visiters!
Here some more photos from my part of the exhebition and the concerts as a take over from my Facebooksite:

2015 - 3rd February, Sofia - The Red Point Gallery - At the exhibition opening - Concert with Maria Hirling - Vocal & Martin Bachvarov - Piano
3. Februar 2015 - Zur Vernissage in der Galerie "Der Rote Punkt" in Sofia beim Konzert von Maria Hirling (Gesang) sowie Martin Bachvarov (Klavier)
Photo: Krasimir Kostadinov


The first 3 works I will show here are some of the exhibition in Sofia at the gallery / Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point
They are from a group of 12 paintings, each represents one musical halfstep from an octave, equal to a "rainbow plus purple red" of a 12 step color wheel
- This ColorSound Paintings represent the "C" - "A" & "D" - all are from January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm


Joachim Hirling - This ColorSound Painting represent the "C" - January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm


Joachim Hirling - This ColorSound Painting represent the "A" - January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm


Joachim Hirling - This ColorSound Painting represent the "D" - January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm


Following I will show all 4 main goups of works, that I show in my actual exhibition in Sofia at the gallery / Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point
- One photo show the whole group of the 12 ColorSound paintings, each represents one musical halfstep from an octave, equal to a "rainbow plus purple red"
- all are painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - each one 70 x 50 cm.

Iin an other photo You can see also 12 paintings from the ColorSound paintings. They all are also painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - each one 40 x 40 cm.
Here You can see three singel half step notes in an different way painted then in the other paintings.
Further nine major chords, three of the chord paintings also show different ways to present them.

The second group at this photo are also made in Janury 2015, they are done with colored paper mash. This nine amorph circles are in diameter about 15 to 50 cm.
They also shows different kinds of chords or combinations of music notes.

The thrid photo show some works allready painted between December 1995 and late summer of 1997. They all are painted oil on canvas one is 41,5 x 41,5 cm,
all others are 24 x 33 cm. The ten small ones of them are painted in Taipei, in free improvisations inspired by study chinese calligraphy.

But how You like to see them all is in Your own heart. One painting of the exhbition from me is still missing, cause it is out of the anker of the photo,
if You go on watching the follow photos this page, You also will see it! Photos taken by the Red Point Gallery


This photo show the whole group of the 12 ColorSound paintings, each represents one musical halfstep from an octave, equal to a "rainbow plus purple red"
- all are painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - each one 70 x 50 cm, in an other photo You can see also 12 paintings from the ColorSound paintings.


The photo show some works allready painted between December 1995 and late summer of 1997. They all are painted
oil on canvas one is 41,5 x 41,5 cm, all others are 24 x 33 cm. The ten small ones of them are painted in Taipei & Hsin Chu,
in free improvisations inspired by study chinese calligraphy. But how You like to see them all is in Your own heart.


On this photo You can see also 12 paintings from the ColorSound paintings. They all are also painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas
- each one 40 x 40 cm. Here You can see three singel half step notes in an different way painted then in the other paintings.
Further nine major chords, three of the chord paintings also show different ways to present them.

The second group at this photo are also made in Janury 2015, they are done with colored paper mash.
This nine amorph circles are in diameter about 15 to 50 cm. They also shows different kinds of chords or combinations of music notes.


Now I will show three ColorSound painting which represent three major chords.
They all are painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - each one 40 x 40 cm. Here You can see three major chords, E-major, G-major & A-major.
They all show the color for the Prime, Terz and Quinte - E G# B - G B D - A C# E
- By the way this three cords also represent a typical Rock music progression like it is also in the song "Purple Haze" from Jimi Hendrix
- of course in Purple Haze it is an E7#9 the "Hendrix Chord"

For coding the colors to the music notes I use a frequenze based octaveing method. The coding is not dogmatic, I understand it like a language,
there are so many possibilities like you want, also the kind of painting, often I paint them as amorph circles with fractal dots or lines.


Joachim Hirling January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 40 cm. Here You can see an E-major Chord.
It show the color for the Prime, Terz and Quinte - E G# B


Joachim Hirling January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 40 cm. Here You can see an G-major Chord.
It show the color for the Prime, Terz and Quinte - G B D


Joachim Hirling January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 40 cm. Here You can see an A-major Chord.
It show the color for the Prime, Terz and Quinte - A C# E

Now I will show three works, that I also show in my exhibition in Sofia at the gallery / Der Rote Punkt / The Red Point.
This works I allready painted between December 1995 and late summer of 1997. They all are painted oil on canvas,
one is 41,5 x 41,5 cm, it is inspired by nature patterns & patterns apeare with colsed eyes on concentrating to the inner colors,
all others are 24 x 33 cm. The two small ones of them are painted in Taiwan, in free improvisations inspired by study
chinese calligraphy. But how You like to see them all is in Your own heart.

This work I have allready painted in December 1995 - oil on canvas - 41,5 x 41,5 cm,
it is inspired by nature patterns & patterns apeare with colsed eyes on concentrating to the inner colors.
But how You like to see it, is in Your own heart.


This work I have allready painted in May of 1997 in Taiwan, in free improvisation inspired by study chinese calligraphy
- oil on canvas - 24 x 33 cm. But how You like to see it is in Your own heart.


This work I have allready painted in September of 1997 in Taiwan, in free improvisation inspired by study chinese calligraphy
- oil on canvas - 24 x 33 cm. But how You like to see it is in Your own heart.


The still missed work belongs in some way to the whole group of the 12 ColorSound paintings, like "the lucky 13th".
It is also painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm. In fact it is also an alternaive to the musical note "E"
but in a very grey kind of blue violett. In this way it is meand to the experiance we all have,
the feeling, low musical notes feels like dark, high musical notes let us feel like bright. In this way it is a represent of ColorsSound
"without" color, just with dark, middel and light grey color, further it also shows, that in my paintings,
the relation to the chinese calligraphy is still there, like You can see in some of the older paintings I presented above!
This is also the reason to combine this calligraphy paintings with the very new ones.

By the way, calligraphy, writing is an other exemple for the transformation from one medium to another medium
- from speech (audio) to 2 dimensional lines, (visual) - in another meaning is that, that calligraphy represents the traces
of the "dance" of the brush, which lead as again in some way to the music! ~ ~ ~

One other photo You can see, is one painting which shows an other possibility from from the single note "F" in red purple / magenta
- the one color which is not inside the rainbow colors, cause it is allready a mixed color between purple and red
from the edges of the rainbow spectrum. It is also painted in January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 40 cm. That I painted it as an
amorph circle is related to the expereance of inner brain pitcures ~ ~ ~

The third photo shows again a ColorSound work I made in January 2015, it is done with colored paper mash.
This amorph circled sdots is in diameter about 40 cm. This one shows the E-major chord (E-G#-B) ~ ~ ~


Joachim Hirling - This ColorSound Painting represent the "E - Grey" - January 2015 - acrylic on canvas - 70 x 50 cm
The still missed work belongs in some way to the whole group of the 12 ColorSound paintings, like "the lucky 13th".
In fact it is also an alternaive to the musical note "E" but in a very grey kind of blue violett.


Joachim Hirling January 2015 - "F" - acrylic on canvas - 40 x 40 cm.
In this photo You can see, one painting which shows an other possibility from from the single note "F" in red purple / magenta
- the one color which is not inside the rainbow colors, cause it is allready a mixed color
between purple and red from the edges of the rainbow spectrum.


Joachim Hirling - January 2015 - This one shows the E-major chord (E-G#-B) it is done with colored paper mash
- This amorph circled dot is in diameter about 40 cm.


2015, 16th February, just do some jamming in the Gallery - Joachim Hirling und Daniel Mirchev -
Many greetings to Maria E Art H Ling & Nina Mircheva Sofia,… Foto: Huben Hubcheef


2015 - 19th February, Sofia - The Red Point Gallery - 7 h pm - Concert with Maria Hirling & Valentin Georgiev - Vocal - Martin Bachvarov - Piano
Am Donnerstag, den 19. Februar 2015 - 19 Uhr - Konzert in der Galerie "Der Rote Punkt" in Sofia in der Ausstellung von Joachim Hirling & Velin Dinev
Maria Hirling & Valentin Georgiev (Gesang) sowie Martin Bachvarov (Klavier)
Photo: Krasimir Kostadinov

2015 February - Sofia - "The Red Point Gallery" - view of the exhebition - left & right: Velin Dinev - straight ahead: Joachim Hirling
2015 February - Sofia - "The Red Point Gallery" - view of the exhebition - left & right: Velin Dinev - straight ahead: Joachim Hirling

2015 3rd February - Sofia - "The Red Point Gallery" - Velin Dinev & Joachim Hirling at the opening of the exhebition (behind works from Joachim Hirling)